Mrityunjayanand Jee's Testimonial


Visiting Swami Adgadanandji's Ashram with my friend Mrityunjayanand Jee (Varanasi, 2010)

Swami Adgadanandji

"Śraddhā in the Bhagavad Gītā: an investigation on the primeval expressions of the contemporary paradigm on heart-philosophy"
Background: The Gītā, as it is well known, is an episode in the Mahābhārata when the climactic battle is about to begin. Kṛṣṇa argues in the Gītā that Arjuna should cultivate the necessary śraddhā (faith-in-oneself; mind’s serene asceticism toward the heart) in order to overcome his state of doubts and distress. 
Discussion: This essay discusses in what manner the contemporary forms of Environmentalism, such as those found in Eco-Dharma and Deep Ecology, have grown straightforward from the heart-philosophy rooted on the concept of śraddhā as dealt with in the Gītā. 
Summary: Śraddhā is a ground to spirituality and environmentalism. No matter one’s dogma of faith, it is always possible to display the universal soul force called śraddhā. For, when a sincere Christian, Hindu, Muslim, or even atheist, places his or her trust in that which transcends, what they all display is nothing but a form of the universal śraddhā. Being the element that is common to people of different faiths, śraddhā represents the main category for the understanding of heart-philosophy, which encompasses Theology, Spirituality, Eco-Dharma, and Environmentalism. 
~ Z Rubens Turci ~
I really appreciate you dear blessed soul Rubens Turci for such a marvelous thesis on "Śraddhā in the Bhagavad Gītā: an investigation on the primeval expressions of the contemporary paradigm on heart-philosophy" and still remember the moments you had spent in lotus feet of revered Gurudev in our ashram for deeper metaphysical understanding in this subject with us.
Humble Wishes!
March 2, 2023

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